Your journey to feline
companionship begins here.
Apply Here:
tel: 813-453-2064
e-mail: coxtreva@gmail.com
Policies & Contracts:

tel: 813-453-2064
e-mail: coxtreva@gmail.com
About Us
Bengal History
All Rights Reserved Imaginique Bengals
Call (813-453-2064) or e-mail us at any time concerning our Bengal kittens. We find it is easier, however, to communicate by phone to answer your questions about the breed, to get a better idea of exactly what you are looking for, and the availability of kittens at specific times.- So, please feel free to call us anytime from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm EST. We do try to keep updated pictures of the kittens on our web site, but posting pictures 24/7 is not really necessary or practical (since we can always e-mail the most recent pictures to you).
Our kittens are sold with a sales agreement and health warranty:
Overall health is warranted.
Kittens have current immunizations and a health certificate from our vet.
Kittens are lovingly handled and socialized daily, and allowed free run of our home when ready. We place our cats in good homes only.
Bengal Cats are for the home environment only and should not be allowed to roam freely outside
A non-refundable deposit will hold a cat or kitten until it is ready for shipment or pick-up.
The cost of individual cats or kittens is determined by their overall structure, genetic background, degree of coloring and patterning (e.g., rosetted, highly glittered, deeply pigmented, etc.). Please call for current pricing, availability, your personal preferences, and what may be coming in future breedings. Phone : 813-453-2064. www.imaginiquebengals.com
We do not transport any cat until it has been cleared medically and all immunizations are in order! Transportion is paid by the buyer (call for details). If you are driving to our cattery to pick up a cat, PLEASE CALL FIRST, as we work by appointment.
Kittens for breeding or showing come with full registration. Call us if you plan to establish a breeding program with Bengals, or if you have your own cattery, as some restrictions may apply .
From time to time we have retired Bengals that are no longer being used in our breeding programs. These young adult cats are available to good homes (we screen, carefully, to place these cats). All have been raised by us and are of sound temperament.
The context of this article, including page layout, was designed and written by IMAGINIQUE BENGAL CATS, Inc.- Its content is copyrighted, and use of the material, in any way, is strictly prohibited (unless permission is granted from the author).- Some of the information in this article was obtained from cat journals, a few "online" sources, and the "The Bengal Bulletin," (March 1995). The majority of information is based on our own knowledge and from discussions with other experienced breeders over the years. However, if you wish to use any of our "text" in an article, or, on your own web site, you are granted permission to do so, but only if you give credit and "list" us as a reference in your writings.
COPYRIGHT © JANUARY 2001, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To obtain specific information regarding
permission to use or quote sections of this article, call (1-813-949-5590) or E-MAIL Imaginique Bengals.