Who Are The Imaginique Bengals?

Imaginique is a medium-size cattery located in Tampa, Florida. A group effort consisting of myself (Treva), and Skip Cox, my husband. A cat loving family dedicated to producing quality bengals with great temperaments. All of our kittens are raised in our loving home where we constantly handle and play with them daily. When they are old enough, we integrate them into the household, so they will become loving, playful companions. We are constantly trying to improve the Bengal cat breed. It is hard to "imagine" a breed of cat so uniform in producing consistent temperaments and beautiful markings. At the same time, each individual Bengal is "unique" to us. We especially love their affectionate natures and unique personalities, so we combined the words, "imagine" and "unique" into IMAGINIQUE. We would like very much to help you find your special and unique Bengal cat.

tel: 813-453-2064
e-mail: coxtreva@gmail.com
About Us
Bengal History

All Rights Reserved Imaginique Bengals

Your journey to feline
companionship begins here.
9:00am - 11:00pm
tel: 813-453-2064
e-mail: coxtreva@gmail.com
Tampa, FL