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-- The temperament of FG Bengals can be erratic or even wild. Likewise, they are often shy, making their demeanor hard to predict or measure. From a strict behavioral standpoint, their emotional response to stimulus is determined or influenced, not only by parental heredity (e. g., behavior based on genetic background or history), but just as importantly, by (1) individual disposition, by (2) the relationship between environment and their adaptability, and by (3) how they are raised and handled. These influences, of course, also apply to the later generation domestic Bengal, although they are more important to captive ALC and to F1-F4 hybrids (i. e., in early generation breeding programs). Temperament, of course, can be complex because of the human component and environmental factors that can severely impact, and thus, shape overall behavior. Therefore, early socialization is especially important and should never be underestimated. So, if you are going to be a responsible breeder, you have to socialize the kittens (around three weeks is a good time to start).
-- Because of the aforementioned observations, but especially for those who are considering an FG cat as a pet for the home, special care and handling are needed. Here, you have to structure or create, as best as you can, an environment that suits the cat's overall nature. In other words, make his new home a comfortable, safe, and quiet place. If you have, as an example, a noisy household with small children running around, it's probably not a good idea to have an FG cat. On the other hand, an FG kitten that is lovingly hand-raised, may, in some environments, adapt easily, exhibiting a calm and affectionate disposition as they mature (however, you can never be absolutely certain). Nonetheless, because of their wild tendencies, we strongly feel FG cats are not suitable for the majority of households. So, if you are looking for a Bengal as a companion or pet for the home, what you should be considering are SBT cats (later generation, beyond F4). At these genetic levels, they have, for the most part, reached domesticity, are easily cared for, and have a loving and care-free nature. They are also the most commonly available to the trade, since most Bengal catteries breed only later generation cats (Champion Flare and Imaginique's Trinity , shown below, are examples of SBT Bengal cats).
The context of this article, including page layout, was designed and written by IMAGINIQUE BENGAL CATS, Inc.- Its content is copyrighted, and use of the material, in any way, is strictly prohibited (unless permission is granted from the author).- Some of the information in this article was obtained from cat journals, a few "online" sources, and the "The Bengal Bulletin," (March 1995). The majority of information is based on our own knowledge and from discussions with other experienced breeders over the years. However, if you wish to use any of our "text" in an article, or, on your own web site, you are granted permission to do so, but only if you give credit and "list" us as a reference in your writings.
COPYRIGHT © JANUARY 2001, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To obtain specific information regarding
permission to use or quote sections of this article, call (1-813-949-5590) or E-MAIL Imaginique Bengals.